Natalie once Again!!
To people that left me comments on my previous page i´m sorry that I did not answer specific questions, any who I asked Ms. Manuel if I could write another one and she said yes; so... Mike the toilet flushes the same way and the food is awesome, I have eaten everything from eggs, bacon and pancakes to pizza to spagetti and I know for a fact that you would love it out here because they tend to serve a cup of fruit with every meal! Awesome huh? I can´t really do the native food thing because if I really want to get sick I can just go up to a cart and get a tortilla or corn but unfortunetly i´m staying on the same side and eating strictly resturant food because I don´t feel like making a new best friend with a Guatemalan toilet, lol. Also pop´s to answer your question everything is going great, i´m having a fantastic time and i´m extremely happy that I have this oppurtunity to be out here! As for you Chris just know that I always make sure that I am with my group and they always make sure that everyone is together but doing a check every time we migrate and also who ever reads this tell my mommy that i´m offended that she still has not commented. Who ever let her know will be loved for ever but it´s not that I don´t already love you but i will love you more, Thanks and i´m out!!! Natalie
I guess I have to speak to Tiye through you, since
she is still drafting her first impressions of
Plus I don't want to be on your bad side for not
writing you while you are on your trip
I hope you all are continually doing well.
It sounds like your having fun and experiencing alot.
Tiye finish the draft and send it out, it doesn't have
to be a "perfect" paper.
Natalie sounds like there is "life without a blowdryer"
what a concept.
You all stay well. Ms. M keep up the good work.
Tiye's Mom
Hey Nats how you been? Well see I am sending my love girl. You know how I do! Well I hope ur enjoying it out there.Oh tell me if my brothers being bad... you know hit me up...LOL u don't have to. WEll talk to you later. LUV Ya!-Rachel
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