Saturday, April 01, 2006

First Impressions - Patrick

So while my fellow travelers will regale you with detales of our trip and what we saw where I will insted tell you what I see in the streets of this country; a inefficent and racist government, and a lot of poor people.

The problems I can see here stem from a lack of universal education, and a 36 year civil war. It is criminal that children are force to work because of their families poverty. Guatamalas next generation cannot rebiuld from last generatrions war without being properly educated.

Speaking of last generations war, it was the united states that supplied the guatamalian government with fighter bombers, m-16s, grenade luanchers, and napalam. these weapons were then used in a scorched earth policy against the left wing and their supporters in the indigionous population.

I belive it is nessissary to divert 10% from our curent spending on weapons reasearch and design to help guatemala and the other victums of the monroe doctrine in central and south america

Patrick Boileau


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