Thursday, April 13, 2006

Last blog for now...Candice

Well there is so much to say about the trip. I'm not really sure how to put it all, actually I dont think there is a great enough word to explain it, so i'm not going to try and leave it in its awesomeness. This trip was amazing,seeing the people,the culture and learning about human rights was fun, exciting, crazy, fascinating,educational,surreal,WOW, etc. I learned so much during this trip.I have learned far more than I expected. By seeing a new place you see a new way of life and in turn,it changes yours, because you realize things you hadnt before. I could not thank the people enough who helped put this trip together and the people who donated their money and time to make this trip happen. Ms Manuel, Carlos, the parents, the donors and the whole delegation:thanks for making the trip, because without your support it would not have been the same.


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